Gelmix Nutrition Panel & FAQs

What are the ingredients in Gelmix?
Organic Tapioca Maltodextrin, Organic Carob Bean Gum, Calcium Carbonate.
What is a serving size of Gelmix?
One serving of Gelmix is 2.4g, which is equivalent to 2 scoops from the Gelmix Jar or 1 individual serving stick. One 2.4g serving is also equivalent to a level 1 teaspoon.
How much does a serving of Gelmix thicken?
How much Gelmix thickens depends on which consistency you are trying to achieve. For the average infant, when thickening for reflux, a 2.4g serving thickens 6 ounces of breast milk or formula. When thickening for dysphagia, or swallowing problems, a 2.4g serving typically thickens 5-6 ounces to slightly thick, 3-4 ounces to mildly thick (nectar), and 2 ounces to moderately thick (honey). Due to variations in formula, always use the IDDSI flow test to determine your dysphagia recipe and achieve desired consistency.
How many calories are added by Gelmix?
Each 2.4g serving of Gelmix adds 8.6 Calories. FDA rounding rules requires the label to round up to the nearest 5, and is expressed as 10 Calories on the Gelmix label.
How many carbohydrates are in Gelmix?
There are 2g Carbohydrates in each 2.4g serving of Gelmix.
How much fiber is in Gelmix?
There are 0.8g Fiber in each 2.4g serving of Gelmix, expressed as <1g Fiber on the Gelmix label.
How much protein is in Gelmix?
Gelmix contains a small amount of protein, 60mg (0.06g) per 2.4g serving. Per FDA labeling guidance, anything less than 500mg (0.5g) is expressed as zero.
Does Gelmix contain any common allergens?
Gelmix is free of all common allergens. Gelmix does not contain any dairy, corn, soy, wheat, gluten, lactose or casein. Allergies to carob bean gum, a galactomannan, are extremely rare in academic literature.
Is Gelmix Vegan?
Yes, Gelmix is vegan and does not contain any animal by-products.
Is Gelmix certified USDA Organic?
Yes, Gelmix Infant Thickener is certified USDA Organic by QCS, Quality Certification Services.
Is Gelmix Kosher?
Yes, Gelmix carries a kosher pareve certification from Kosher Organics, a kosher certifying agency recognized by the Chicago Rabbinical Council (cRc) that certifies only natural and organic products. Gelmix current kosher certification can be viewed here.
Is Gelmix Halal?
Gelmix only uses halal ingredients, however does not carry certification.
Is Gelmix FDA Approved?
No, the FDA only approves drugs or treatments for disease, and does not provide any pathway for thickeners to be approved. Dietary supplements are regulated by the FDA and subject to federal laws. The FDA is responsible for enforcing the laws and regulations governing dietary supplements.