News & Notes

Guide to Thickening Breast Milk for Dysphagia

This printable guide reviews how to thicken breast milk when thickening is recommended for dysphagia. Our guides to thickening breast milk and formula, for reflux and dysphagia, are now available under printable documents.

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Guide to Thickening Breast Milk for Reflux

This printable guide reviews how to thicken breast milk when thickening is recommended for reflux or to reduce spit-ups. Our guides to thickening breast milk and formula, for reflux and dysphagia, are now available under printable documents.

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Guide to Thickening Formula for Reflux

This printable guide reviews how to thicken formula when thickening is recommended for reflux or to reduce spit-ups. Our guides to thickening breast milk and formula, for reflux and dysphagia, are now available under printable documents.

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Guía para Espesar Leche Materna para Reflujo

Esta es una Guía Imprimible para Espesar Leche Materna Cuando se recomienda para reducir el Reflujo.

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IDDSI Flow Test Poster

The International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative (IDDSI) framework of terminology and definitions, which includes an objective measurement for liquid thickness.

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Purathick Natural Thickener Product Spec Sheet

Purathick Natural Thickener Product Specification Sheet includes detailed product information, contraindications and mixing instructions for Purathick Natural powder thickener for hot and cold liquids.

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